Our Blogs

The blogs listed below will keep you informed about all things HVAC-related.

How Air Duct Cleaning Improves Home Air Quality

How Air Duct Cleaning Improves Home Air Quality

Understanding the Role of Air Ducts in Home Ventilation Air ducts in our homes are essentially the lungs of the house - they take in the air and circulate it throughout all rooms for everyone inside to breathe. Without realizing it, homeowners spend the majority of...

Signs Your Home Needs Air Duct Cleaning

Signs Your Home Needs Air Duct Cleaning

Understanding the Importance of Air Duct Maintenance Air duct maintenance is a seemingly inconspicuous part of home care that many of us overlook. But did you know it plays a pivotal role in improving air quality and promoting energy efficiency in your home? In fact,...

Benefits of Regular Air Duct Cleaning

Benefits of Regular Air Duct Cleaning

How Air Duct Cleaning Enhances HVAC Efficiency When your HVAC system runs, it circulates air throughout your home or office, and that air carries with it whatever is inside your ducts. Anything from dust and pet dander to mold and bacteria can be lurking inside your...

DIY Tips for Maintaining Clean Air Ducts

DIY Tips for Maintaining Clean Air Ducts

Understanding the Importance of Clean Air Ducts Clean air ducts are more than just a minor detail in your home or office; they’re a vital component of a healthy indoor atmosphere. Despite rarely being in the limelight, these unassuming tubes significantly impact air...

Solutions for HVAC Odor and Smell Issues

Solutions for HVAC Odor and Smell Issues

As the seasons change and temperatures fluctuate, our reliance on HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems to maintain a comfortable indoor environment increases. However, alongside the convenience of temperature control, HVAC systems can sometimes...

Preventing Fire and Smoke Contamination with Duct Cleaning

Preventing Fire and Smoke Contamination with Duct Cleaning

Ensuring the safety and comfort of your home involves a multifaceted approach, with one often overlooked aspect being the cleanliness of your air ducts. At Same Day Air Duct Cleaning & AC Repair, we recognize the critical role that immediate duct cleaning plays in...

Addressing HVAC Issues Promptly With Urgent Air Duct Cleaning

Addressing HVAC Issues Promptly With Urgent Air Duct Cleaning

Why Air Duct Cleaning is Essential for Your HVAC System Air duct cleaning plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and functionality of your HVAC system. Dust, debris, and other contaminants can accumulate in the ductwork, leading to a number of issues. When...

Urgent Duct Cleaning For Improved Airflow And Efficiency

Urgent Duct Cleaning For Improved Airflow And Efficiency

Why is Duct Cleaning Important for Your Home's Air Quality? Duct cleaning plays a crucial role in maintaining the air quality of your home. Over time, dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and even mold can accumulate in your air ducts. When your HVAC system kicks in, these...

Cleaning Solutions For Air Duct Odors

Cleaning Solutions For Air Duct Odors

If you've noticed an unpleasant smell lingering in your home, it might be time to take a closer look at your air ducts. While most people don't give much thought to their air ducts, they play an important role in maintaining the air quality in your home. Over time,...


How Often Should Air Ducts Get Cleaned?

Typically, your air ducts should be cleaned every 3 to 5 years. However, this varies depending on the health issues of a home’s residents and how frequently your home is cleaned.

Why Is My AC Noisy?

The loud noise coming from your air conditioner could be due to a range of issues. If you’re hearing rattling sounds, the cause may be either broken parts or blocked air ducts. Your filter might be dirty if you hear a low humming sound. An outdated AC unit may also be the cause of your noise issues.

Why Do I Need A Professional For HVAC Services?

To ensure your home is safe, has the right maintenance, and has all-around expertise, you should hire a professional for HVAC services. Hiring a professional ensures that everything is kept up to code and lowers the likelihood of expensive repairs.

Why Is There A Bad Smell Coming From My Air Ducts?

The foul odor you are smelling may be caused by poor air circulation and neglected air ducts. Without properly maintaining your air ducts, mold could grow or a dead rodent could be the source of the awful smell.

When Should I Replace My AC?

We recommend that you replace your AC if it is over a decade old or if it’s in constant need of repairs. Furthermore, if your AC is no longer capable of effectively cooling your house, it might be time for a replacement.

How Important Is Indoor Air Quality?

The indoor air quality of any home is essential to the health of any individual. If you have poor indoor air quality, it can lead to many health problems, including allergies, respiratory issues, and even cancer. Furthermore, poor air quality could worsen already-existing medical conditions like asthma.